So, what is so special that i personally need to set up another blog? Well, this blog is not just another way for some guy on the net to yell his personal bullshit at the clouds… this blog is way for a guy to yell his personal bullshit at the clouds HOSTED ON THE DISTRIBUTED WEB.

The distributed web… what does that mean? Well, if you can access this site you have at minimum an IPFS capable browser, that in itself is great! But to go a bit more into detail:

The third iteration

I will not bore you, dear reader, with another retelling of the internet’s story, so direct to the point: The distributed web or Web3 or Web 3.0 (it depends on who is trying to sell you his or her idea) will differ from the current iteration in a way that it will become decentralised again. Why again? Because the web WAS a decentralised network up until the big tech boom when the googles, amazons and facebooks took over. The third iteration can even go a bit further, just imagine: You look at the increasingly popular blog of some random dude describing his day to day life and his strange obsession with cat pictures, but instead of just accessing his blog your browser will start acting as a distributor of this blog and helping in this way to make the content better accessible. You want to give this guy who you think writes fascinating travel reports a tip? No problem! Just toss a few satoshis to his lightning address. You want your friends to know about this new cool blog? Easy! Just share the link via a nostr app.

And all this is possible without a need to supply your personal data to anyone.