Ok, now here i am, and reading into the topic of cryptocurrencies in the year 2023. Man… that stuff evolved heavily since my first real contact back in 2010…

In the beginning there was Bitcoin

I can not really recall where i have read first about the proposal from some dude calling himself “Satoshi Nakamoto”, but the idea of having a method to directly pay in the net without relying on any intermediary sounded really cool to me. So i read further, installed the software on my local machine and started experimenting. At some point, when you could get a Bitcoin for about 10 € i bought a few, spend them, earned some more, discovered that i could not really do so much with this stuff and that the acceptance was not really rising… so i left my wallet with at that time about 100 € in BTC sitting on a harddisk and went on to do more interesting stuff. Somewhere around that time the first few people where trading and stories about fools losing everything where emerging in the media (there was a big crash around that time). I simply walked away, and in reality forgot about everything.

Fast forward a few years and i somehow stumbled upon the whole Bitcoin stuff again… and WOW, did it blew up. My 100 € where now worth around 10.000 € and i sold. Now, would i have waited till today i would have made really, really big money, but i cannot complain… this 100 € where well spend. Now we are here in 2023, Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) seems to be here to stay and i finally am diving again into this topic. I even got so far in setting up my own Bitcoin node, but was taken aback by an faulty harddrive.

On this blog i will further report my “adventures” in Web3 and my notes while learning about that whole stuff.