Back to Bitcoin

Ok, now here i am, and reading into the topic of cryptocurrencies in the year 2023. Man… that stuff evolved heavily since my first real contact back in 2010… In the beginning there was Bitcoin I can not really recall where i have read first about the proposal from some dude calling himself “Satoshi Nakamoto”, but the idea of having a method to directly pay in the net without relying on any intermediary sounded really cool to me.
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Welcome to the distributed web!

So, what is so special that i personally need to set up another blog? Well, this blog is not just another way for some guy on the net to yell his personal bullshit at the clouds… this blog is way for a guy to yell his personal bullshit at the clouds HOSTED ON THE DISTRIBUTED WEB. The distributed web… what does that mean? Well, if you can access this site you have at minimum an IPFS capable browser, that in itself is great!
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PostmarketOS… two months later

It has now been what, about two months(?) since i dabbled into the realm of Postmarketos… what is my conclusion so far? Well, it works. I switched from SXMO to phosh about a month after my initial installation of the system because i simply did not get used to the “tiling window manager on smartphone” thing after my initial enthusiasm faded. Phosh is much more touch oriented and mostly stays out of the way.
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PostmarketOS as semi daily driver

So, its now about a week that i flashed PostmarketOS on a Oneplus 6 i scavanged at work. How does it fare so far? I would say pretty good (bar the few hickups that were more or less my fault). One thing i can not get reliably to work is voice calling. Under SXMO i can establish a call but get no audio (and i get the error message “We failed to establish call audio”), under Phosh (yeah, i flashed the device multiple times… but more on that later) i CAN get working calls but not reliably.
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PostmarketOS on the Oneplus 6

Somehow i always find ways to make life a bit more … ehm… “challenging”, so after the battery on my Oneplus One running Ubuntu Touch starts now to severly degrade and only lasts for about 2 - 3 hours i had the opportunity to grab a discarded Oneplus 6. Of course i could not simply run it with its stock android system or even Ubuntu Touch… nah, it has to be something more special.
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